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Here are mine from February:
Day 1: favorite comeback to I Love You that Justin and I say.
Day 2: Pattern....fabric for the nursery
Day 3: Something beginning with 'E'.....exersaucer! Hope we get one of these for Baby J!
Day 4: Hope....hoping that these crackers help ease my nausea. 30 weeks pregnant and I got my first look at morning sickness today :(
Day 5: Something you Palmers lotion for my tum (praying for no stretch marks) and my favorite lotion, Be Enchanted from Bath and Body Works Day 6: sweet girl laying on her fleece blanket
Day 7: Name....picture from my wedding day 2 years ago. My new last name on a plaque that my Mom got us.
Day 8: Something cardi for tonight!
Day 9: Guilty Pleasure....Cheetos Puffs! I'm obsessed with these :)
Day 10: 3 o'clock....unloading groceries!
Day 11: Entrance.....Early Valentine's Day dinner at Babe's Chicken!
Day 12: Where you ate lunch....Rosa's, my fav fast Mexican!
Day 13: Walking....going to surprise Daddy at the airport since his flight got in early :)
Day 14: Love is....this guy sending me a weekly 'You're Hubby Loves You Very Much' calendar invite. Makes me smile big when this pops up!
Day 15: Inside your fridge
Day 16: Perfect....perfect little guitar I surprised Justin w/for Jamison! Daddy and Son jam session in a few years!
Day 17: In Your Hand....painting Jamison's crate bookcases
Day 18: Something You Don't Like....folding socks- hate every minute of it!
Day 19: I am....I am pretty sure Coco will be REAL excited when I get home w/three dogs!!
Day 20: Where I view of NYC by far from our baby moon/anniversary trip!
Day 21: Full....full from lunch and little man is moving like crazy!
Day 22: Makes You friend Aaron got me this as part of my gift at my work shower. The first charm is stamped w/Jamison 2013, the three penny's have the year Justin and I were married, the year he was born and the year I was born, the heart charm says Mahaffey and the last one says Lucky Us. I am absolutely in love w/this and it now sits on my keychain so it's w/me always :)
Day 23: One Word.....Beautiful! Love the diaper cake my Aunt made for Jamison!
**I seemed to have skipped Day 24 :)

Day 26: Quiet....until Justin gets wheeled back and he starts his crazy talk from the anesthesia!
Day 27: Playing....Coco and MY heart pillow :)
Day 28: Upside Down....candles - this could be dangerous!
March is already in full swing :)
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