Tuesday, February 25

Pray for the Mullens

When J and I started the journey of trying to conceive, our friends Brittany and Preston were also trying at the same time.  Each month, Britt and I would talk about it and if we got a smiley face on the ovulation predictor we'd say to each other "good luck" and "I'll pray for you".  8 months later once we found out we were pregnant, the Mullens were still trying.  Their journey, unbeknownst to them, was going to be a little longer than they expected. 
In the past two years, they have seen multiple doctors, have had surgery, and most of all have prayed.
These two wonderful people are Jamison's Godparents.  They were both with me at the hospital and didn't leave until the next evening.  Britt took the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen of my entire labor and delivery.  And Preston, bless his heart, went on a 2am Walmart run to get me socks and a stress ball to squeeze on because I was in a lot of pain and hadn't gotten an epidural yet. 
Brittany and Preston are two of the most loving, caring and God fearing people we know and I want so badly for them to experience this wonderful journey with us with a child of their own.  It warms my heart to see them both with Jamison.  Britt always offers to bathe him when they are over and jumps at the chance to rock to him to sleep - which she does so well, I may have her over every night for bedtime :) 
Last week, they sent an email out to their friends and family.  With her permission, I've posted it below.

To our family and friends,

You are a blessing to us.  It's because of you that we are called a son and daughter, a grandson and granddaughter, a brother, a sister, an uncle, an aunt, a nephew, a niece, cousins, godparents, and friends.  And because of these beautiful relationships we go by many names.

But there are two names that we've yet to be called - daddy and mommy.

Many of you know it's been an uphill battle for us these past few years, with surgery, medication, and enough needle-pricking to make even the strongest a little queasy.  And we don't share that for your sympathy, but rather to give you a glimpse into what has occupied much of our thoughts, whether we shared it or not.

We tend to be rather private people - not wanting to burden others with our problems.  And, although we'd rather not admit it, there's a little pride and independence thrown in there.

Last March, Preston underwent surgery in order to improve our chances of conceiving.  The doctor gave us 9 months to see better test results, and we had regular checkups.  As we crossed each month off the calendar with no improvement, our anxiety began to grow.  And it's then we really began to question everything.  What had we done to make us so undeserving of being parents?

It was during this time that God clearly spoke to Brittany one Sunday in church as our pastor spoke on John 9:  "As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth.  2 His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
3 "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him"
Jesus then spits on the ground, makes a little mud, and rubs it in the man's eyes.  He tells the man to wash his eyes, and then he can see!

In December, our deadline had arrived.  Our doctor invited us back to his office and then he told us the news: We had "done the best we could," but the medical treatment did not work.  We had all year to prepare for those words, but it was still paralyzing to hear them spoken aloud and feel that last sprout of hope wither inside of us.

We've had a couple of months now to cry, to question, and to cling to each other.  But it's been strangely good for us.  The doctors have told us we now have only 2 options if we want children, but we feel strongly that the LORD is leading us down a third path.

We are clinging to Jesus' words: "this happened so that the works of God might be displayed."  We believe our God is a God of miracles.  He doesn't need good material to work with - he can use a little spit and some dirt to create a miracle.

And that's exactly what we're going to ask Him to do.  We plan to pray every night for the next 40 days that God will allow Brittany to become pregnant (she is able to physically carry a child), and we ask you to join us.  If you are willing to pray - even if it's just once - we'd be forever grateful.  We need prayer warriors to intercede for us and ask God - not doubting that He can, but believing that He will - to breathe life into what feels like a hopeless situation.

We realize that there are many couples out there struggling with the same, and in many cases, much bigger hardships.  And while we at first felt selfish for asking you to direct your attention to ours, we know the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  So we're asking you to be a blessing to us once more.

We understand God may have other plans or timing, but if we don't ask, we won't receive.  And we're asking for a miracle.

Preston & Brittany

Their struggle has brought tears to my eyes in both sadness for them and joyfullness in what I know is to come.  And as I type their words here, I am hopeful.  I know in my heart that they will be parents.  They will get to experience this amazing thing called parenthood and will be the best Mommy and Daddy to a very lucky child.
Please feel free to share this post or their names (Brittany & Preston Mullen) with all the Prayer Warriors you know out there.  Never underestimate the power of prayer.  While you're in church, driving in a car alone with your thoughts, saying your bedtime prayers or in your safe place where you and God speak to each other - please, take a moment and pray for our dear friends.  
John 14:13-14 "Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it."
Brittany, Preston & Jamison - April 5, 2013

1 comment :

  1. Just noticed I had a new follower on my blog and I'm really glad I checked out yours. The Mullens email really brought me to tears (and I'm not one to cry, really)...and I prayed...earnestly. I also noticed your little guy is the same age as mine! Looking forward to a fun little boy first birthday!
