Wednesday, June 5

2 Month Update

Little Man - oh how much you have grown in the past month!  Your little personality makes our hearts melt.  You've made our days so much brighter and you've made us the happiest parents!

Weight: 11lbs 3oz. You've gained 2 pounds in the past 4 weeks.

Length: 23 inches long.  You grew 3 inches in the past 4 weeks.

Eating: 5oz every 3.5 hours.  You're averaging about 30 ounces a day!  You are still on Sensitive Formula and we've switched you from Similac to the Target Up & Up brand.  You are also still getting gas drops in every bottle. 

Sleep: When you're first put to bed you sleep about 5 hours, wake up to eat then another 3 hours then up for the day between 4:45-5:45. I'm hoping you'll start sticking to the 5:45 wake up :) Since you started Childcare this week though - we're trying (hoping, fingers are double crossed and toes) for you to start consistently sleeping through the night.  You're taking in enough ounces during the day that this should be possible and you are also on an actual schedule which puts your last feeding between 10pm-11pm.

Diapers: Size 1 - so far we haven't run out.  Hoping that remains the case until you move up to size 2.

Clothes: 0-3 months.  You can still wear some of your newborn shorts though.

Things you love
 - Being held
 - Being put in the "sleeper hold" by Daddy (he's the best at calming you down if needed)
 - Cuddle time
 - Cooing and smiling at Mommy and Daddy
 - Bath time
 - Having your bottom patted
 - Your swing
 - Car rides

What you can do this month:
 - You've continued to be able to hold your head up very well and it's of course getting better
 - When laying on your activity mat you are a lot more interactive with the toys that are hanging down
 - Smile and giggle
 - Mimick what we are doing - sticking tongue out and making an "O" with your mouth
 - You are a lot more alert and a lot less fussy :)
 - You are a great traveler - whether it be in the car or by plane, we have nothing to worry about

Buddy - you are seriously the best ever and every day I tell myself how lucky your Daddy and I are that God chose you to be our son.  I never in my 29 years thought that I could love someone as much as I love you (besides the love I have for your Daddy of course - but that's a different kind of love :) ).  You are the reason we get excited to wake up in the early morning before the sun comes up and it's because of you that we have a constant grin on our faces because we're always thinking about you.  If this is the best life has to offer than I'm sold - I wouldn't change a single thing about our life with you and we can't wait to watch you grow into a handsome young man! 

We love you as big as the sky and as deep as the ocean!


  1. Hi there! Just hopped over to your blog and little Jamison is a DOLL! Congrats on being a mommy for two months! I feel like everything you mentioned was SO long ago even though it was just over 2 years ago! Anyway, enjoy these moments and take TONS of pictures. Feel free to stop by and follow if you're interested in seeing a glimpse into your future as a mother of a boy! :)

  2. LOVE this idea for a monthly post.. Do you mind if I use the same / similar format on my blog?

    1. I don't mind at all and thanks for stopping by my blog!
