It's been exactly 45 days since my 30th birthday and even though my goal was to complete my 30 Before 30 list, I'm happy of what I have done this far. I'm also continuing to add to it so it will now just be my "Bucket List." Below is my list and comments :)
1. Cave Exploration - Done! This was fun and scary at the same time. You can read the post here.
2. CHL - Hubby bought be a gun for my birthday so next up will be to get my license and take some safety courses.
3. Cooking class at Central Market - I want to take the Sushi class here but this month they also have a Brunch class and since I love anything breakfast, I might have to take this one.
4. Start a collection - Nothing promising yet. I am absolutely in love with these and just need to find a dedicated wall for them in my house. A friend of mine has a few of his pieces and they look great in her home.
5. Take a spontaneous trip - Our one and only spontaneous trip was about 6 years ago to Tulsa, OK to visit some friends. Anxiety was high for me because we drive there with NOTHING. I'm ready for the next one :)
6. Play a whole round of golf - I will be a disaster at this and I know it will probably take me all day. I'll need to book this in the spring or fall then.
7. Plant a memory tree - We're slowly working on our vision for a beautiful backyard. I want this tree to be off of the patio and by our bedroom window. Something beautiful and meaningful for our lost loved ones.
8. Photography course - Funny story. I've had this booked twice! First class was supposed to be in the beginning of February but it was cancelled due to not many people signing up. They rescheduled it for this past Thursday or Friday and I chose Thursday. I get there about 30 minutes early because it's down past downtown Dallas and I was unsure of traffic. An hour later, no one, not even the instructor showed up. I was pissed to say the least. I sent them an email that night and received a response the next day apologizing for the mix-up. They thought I was going to the Friday class. I'll be getting a refund :)
9. Hot air balloon ride - I'm a little frightened to do this but will hopefully get the chance soon.
10. Touch a penguin - Done! This was amazing and such a thoughtful Christmas gift from J! You can read the post here.
11. Take Salsa lessons - Can I convince J to do this?? Let's hope so!
12. Hike to the top of a mountain - I'm really liking the "adventures" and this is something that J and I will enjoy together.
13. Weekend Motorcycle ride - Done! This was actually our first weekend away from the baby too. You can read the post here.
14. Habitat for Humanity - I've signed up but now need to get started on finding a site to go to. I'm thinking of getting with my bosses at work to make this a team building project that we can do.
15. Monthly photo books of Jamison - Done! I did a 0-6 month book (here) and did a book of all of his Instagram photos from 2013 (here). The Instagram book came out amazing and that's how I'll do it for the rest of the years (his life :)).
16. Pregnancy photo book - Done! This one was emotional. I loved being pregnant! And I did not do a post on this or remember where I ordered from so when I have that info - hopefully I'll be able to post the link.
17. Send real mail - Done! And continuous. I love receiving mail so hopefully my recipients feel the same.
18. Do more for myself - Done! And also continuous. I'm getting a pedicure right now as I type.
19. Keep the house organized - This has been a beast of a project. J and I tend to keep a lot of things. The weekend before Jamison's First Birthday (post to come later), J completely organized and built shelves for the attic above the garage. The room we have in there now is perfect! We're slowly working on the inside.
20. Volunteer at VA Hospital - This is something I want J to do with me. We both have so much respect and admiration for our past and current servicemen.
21. Bake something from scratch - I'm still searching for that perfect recipe. Any ideas??
22. Scuba Dive - Terrified but a must and totally out of my comfort zone. We're going on a beach trip this year with friends and our kiddos so maybe next year.
23. Rock Climbing - I just found an indoor rock climbing facility a few weeks ago. Will need to schedule & update.
24. Start an Etsy/Facebook store - Whew - this has been a process. I've opened up my Etsy Store called Welcome Home. It's not public just yet but will be hopefully in a few weeks. I'm toying with the Facebook page too but may wait on that. I'm still working on more pieces to put up in the shop. I'm excited to start this though. I've been putting my hands into several different things lately and have found a few that I think (and I hope others) I'm really good at.
25. White Water Rafting - This will be in a few years. Would love a group of us to go on this adventure.
26. See the Northern Lights - Just once! And maybe on an Alaskan Cruise :)
27. Visit the Grand Canyon - I want to center a trip around the Grand Canyon but do a lot more sight seeing. Would like Jamison with us too so this will be a few years.
28. Go hunting and ENJOY it - We were supposed to go Hog hunting in January but that fell through. I'm thinking of Dove in the fall - it'll still be warm and can be in the middle of the day.
29. Grow out hair long enough to donate to Locks of Love - I still have awhile to go on this. My hair is not quite long enough and I would have to cut my hair very short at this point.
30. Finish what I start - This is a constant struggle that I've gotten so much better at.
31. Finish birth story blogpost - I have started and restarted this post what feels like a million times. It's just so hard to truly put that experience into words. You can read the introduction post here which also has a slideshow.
32. Random acts of kindness - Done! And continuous. Nothing makes me happier than doing things (unexpected things) for others. I had posted about what particular RAOK and you can read that here.
33. Craft project at least once a month - Done! And also continuous. Jamison's birthday stuff was so far my favorite.
34. Join Be The Match - I'm in the process is still researching. I've seen video after video from donors and it warms my heart to see complete strangers doing this for others. I first learned of this from a friend of mine who was doing a prayer request for Will Boggan. I now follow this family on Instagram & Facebbok and you can read their story here. They are a true inspiration!
This year has been a whirwind. It's been a little over a year since I've started this blog and I'm so glad I did. I have lots of drafts to take care of now :)
Hope you all have a great week!
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