Monday, April 14

One Year Down!

Buddy -
It's been one whole year (and 9 days) since I got to hold you for the very first time.  One year since I fell completely and madly in love with someone other than your Daddy.  One year since life became truly meaningful and it only gets better everyday.
4/5/2013 - 7lbs, 6oz and 19 inches long
 - Best day ever :)

May 2013/One Month - 9lbs, 19oz and 21.25 inches long
  - Love tummy time
 - Had your first 5 hour sleep stretch 
 - Went on your first plane ride

June 2013/Two Months - 11lbs, 3oz and 23 inches long
 - Smile and giggle all the time
 - Love to mimick what we do
July 2013/Three Months
 - Went on your first beach trip
 - Discovered your hands and that they fit nicely in your mouth
 - Attended your first wedding
 - Rolled over for the first time
August 2013/Four Months - 14lbs and 24.5 inches long
 - Consistently sleep through the night
 - Hold your bottle by yourself
- Go into full belly laughs when we do something funny
September 2013/Five Months
 - Can crawl
 - "Talk" to us
- Got your first sickness :(
October 2013/Six Months - 15lbs, 5oz and 26.75 inches long
 - Love to eat "real" food (versus just formula)
 - Can sit up unassisted for a few seconds
 - Were a cute little lion for your first Halloween
November 2013/Seven Months - 16lbs, 5oz and 27 inches long
 - Can pull up to a standing position
 - Are the happiest and smiliest baby when woken up in the morning
 - Said your first word - Dada
December 2013/Eight Months
 - Love your Daddy and have the most special bond with him
 - Get excited when seeing one of us walk into a room
January 2014/Nine Months - 17lbs, 2oz and 27 inches long
 - Walk while holding onto our hands or the furniture
 - Finally said Momma
February 2014/Ten Months - 18lbs and 27.5 inches long
 - Got RSV
 - Took 3 steps on your own
 - Clap, click your tongue and say MMMMM after you have a bite to eat
March 2014/Eleven Months - 19lbs and 28.5 inches long
 - Are full on walking
- Exclusively started on a sippy cup
 - Eating at the big boy table at school

April 2014/One Year - 20lbs, 2oz and 29.5 inches long
 - Are amazing :)

We love you as big as the sky and as deep as the ocean!!

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